What The World Of Computers Will Be In 100 Years To Come

Because change is so rapid, I don’t know what to do. Quantum computing, which is the incorporation of physics into computer science, will be very important. Computers will become tiny, about the size of anatom. It’s going make a big impact, nano-computing. These tiny computers can be swallowed in pills and will then learn all about you and help cure it. This brings together biological computing where parts of the body can also be printed. I believe that computing will become more integrated into our daily lives. If the Council goes along, technologists will feel more responsible for ensuring that these developments are good. However, it is hard to know the future because things are changing so fast. Quantum computing – the introduction physics into the field is crucial. That means computers will be tiny, as small as an atom. This will have a major impact on the world. You can now take nano-computing with you. These tiny computers can then learn about your condition and treat it. My belief is that computing will become more integrated into our daily lives. If the Council goes along, technologists will feel more responsible for ensuring that these developments are good. They will still use desktops and laptops for real work. The laptop will look thinner than the iPad. Gaming laptops will be thinner than iPads. Blue LED case lighting returns to fashion. LED lighting for power supplies will soon be in fashion. Mobile phones will be available. Mobile phones will still be available. Smartphones will follow suit. The use of docking devices for keyboards, mice and monitors will increase. I see computers as a user interface in the future. Processing will take place on the servers. For instance, the GPU (hardware of the user) is used by the computer to process images. This processing is possible in the future. However, the server will return the image to the user. Over the next 100 year, we will have bugs. Mind control programming may be possible. A computer can help you solve a problem. While computers will become faster, the output or input is still theoretical. Computers will be capable of implementing robotics in 100 more years. In 100 years, computers could even replace humans by having the same brain power as them. Computers will become more small, fast, and ubiquitous. Their small size will make it easy to incorporate them into smaller devices. This will increase the use of computers. Higher computing speeds will facilitate many operations and reduce human effort. Computers could be capable of communicating with humans in 100 years. They may be able to understand context and words. That will allow them to communicate with humans in a better way by learning human language. Imagine a machine speaking to and understanding your words like a friend. Computers might one day be capable of reasoning and analyzing like humans. They may be able understand humor. They might even be emotionally intelligent. It would be incredible to see a computer sharing a joke with you. Humans can now interface with computers using a keyboard, mouse and speech recognition. In 100 years, computers will be able understand human thoughts and respond accordingly. It is possible to buy wireless chargers in the next 100 years. The future of devices will be similar to wearable computers like the highly anticipated google Glasses. Our bodies will have a computer chip embedded in them, similar to a tattoo. It will communicate with our neurons and project images or sensations directly into our brains. As desktop computers vanished from our homes, so will laptops. Computers 100 years from now will be faster and smaller that today’s, and smaller than cards. They may become as small and portable as coins. Some motherboards have RAM capacities up to 64GB. We will not see any more RAM than that in a long while. Although CPU power will not be much different per core, we might see additional cores. It might be capable of doing what you ask. A computer can even predict what you want, which is even better. Emotion tracking technology may be able to change this. Who will be able to use a keyboard in 100 years? No one. All computers will be equipped with touchscreens, fortunately. In 100 year’s time, very small computers could be placed in pills. The pill will contain information about your illness that can be used to treat it. This brings in biological computing which allows us to create parts of the human body. I believe computing will continue to be a major part of our daily lives. Our brains may be connected to computers to help us work faster. Doctors will have the ability to create “spares” for organs when they become damaged. This will allow doctors to grow “spare parts for our organs” without the need for donors. Organ failure will never happen. Even the routine doctor’s appointment will be different. A robot software program will create a complete human genome record to be used for routine checkups. The computer of today operates with electricity and semiconductors. Computers may use light in 100 years. Computerworld reports that while desktop computers may appear identical, they will likely look different 100 years from now because a ‘intrepid team’ of engineers and designers is working to fix the ‘equality problem’ in the computer industry. This is the future generation of computers. Quantum Computing employs Quantum Mechanics for computers that are millions of times faster then any supercomputers around the world. We will be able solve some of the most challenging computer equations. Quantum Computing, which is used to manage flight schedules and solve complex problems, is very much in demand by the private sectors. It would be amazing if one could just take their phone with them and simply plug it into a charger.

Computers now control almost all of our daily activities. It doesn’t matter if the computer image is rectangular or round, it’s still there. The computers are all around us, in our cars, our thermostats and our refrigerators. Computers are becoming less objects, but are filled with fabrics and other materials. The future of computing will be a major part of our lives for years to come. There may be another integrated chip that will allow us to display information to our brains and eyes, as well as number processing and augmented memory. First, computers are likely to become smaller and faster. Computers would work directly without the need for brains. Computers could also communicate with cars, homes, and other places. Computer decision-making would undergo a revolution. The future will see smart homes thanks to technology. Your appliances will be able to communicate with one another and also with you. For example, your stove will inform you when food is ready for you to eat. You can find recipes for food items in your refrigerator.


  • katebailey

    Kate Bailey is a 27-year-old educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is interested in educating others on various topics, and is passionate about helping others achieve their goals. She believes that education is the key to success, and hopes to share her knowledge with as many people as possible.

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